Client Letter 2022
Dear Valued Clients,
2022 was a trying year for all investors, one that makes us want to quickly turn the calendar to a new year. But before we do, we would like to thank each of you once again for the continued support and confidence in allowing us to help guide you on your financial journeys. We continue to strengthen relationships through frequent reviews and hope to build on your experience with new technologies each year. As we move into 2023, we once again have given our team the opportunity to share what is going on in their lives too!
Beau and Mary just celebrated Michaela turning 5 on December 2nd; she continues to work hard at swim class each week and has joined a new gym experience called KidStrong. Capri (20 months) will begin her Montessori schooling in January and is keeping her parents busy chasing as she is curious and fast on her feet now. The Browning family enjoyed a trip to Montana together in late summer where they were able to hike, fish, swim, golf and relax.
2022 has been a busy year for the Lees. Andrea has started to remodel and decorate their new home. Jason, her husband started a new job in July that he really enjoys. Brody, their oldest son, graduated 5th grade and started attending the Shelbyville Middle School. He has joined the Robotics Team and ran Cross Country. Beckam, the youngest, is a 4th grader at St. Joe. He is currently playing lots of basketball. The Lees added a new member to their family this year when they adopted a new puppy named Bo. He loves spending his time tormenting their cat, Pete.
2022 flew by for Jennie and her family! Emma competed over the summer in her dance nationals and took home a few National Titles to add to her collection. She also started cheering her Freshman year as a Varsity Cheerleader and has loved every minute of it! Sophie continues her love for dance and gymnastics. She also started horseback riding lessons and has found her new passion! Ryan and Jennie keep busy with the girls, work, and in any spare time time love to hang with friends and family!
Brent and his family have had a wonderful year. They got a puppy this year, and the kids absolutely adore Reggie. They watched their sons, Cooper and Camden, play basketball for the middle school. Kendall played basketball for St. Joe for the first time and had a great time. Her group also won best of the best in their dance for Style Academy competition and had a great time. His wife, Amanda, has a position with Indiana University and works from home full time and has loved the transition because it gives her the ability to be home more with the kids and not miss events. Brent and Amanda were able to take the kids to the Bahamas for Spring Break, and the kids absolutely loved it.
Brett and his family had a very busy 2022. Marlee graduated high school and finished her high school swimming career and now is attending to IU. Hudson is in 7th grade and plays soccer and basketball, and Keaton is moving into the workforce.
There have been lots of exciting changes for Sandy and her family this year. Tim started a new role with Cummins. Jake took a new position with his company as a Solution Strategist and has been traveling more. Shawn graduated from the University of Dayton and began his physical therapy career. He and Bailey also moved back to Indiana and settled into their new home in Lafayette. They are expecting twin baby girls in April, and we can’t wait to meet them!
Jason and his family have seen 2022 as a year to settle into routines. Ella and Claire continue to grow up fast as gymnastics has taken over for the time being. They continue to commit time to the arts as well with voice and piano. We are so proud of them and am excited for what 2023 has in store!
Joe and his family had a very busy 2022. Jackson started his first year of high school and is a manager on the swim team. Camden is beginning wrestling and is involved in activities at the middle school this year, while Marlee is continuing to enjoy doing dance at Style Dance Academy in Franklin. Ashley is having a wonderful year at Coulston Elementary teaching kindergarten and enjoyed traveling to Tuscaloosa, AL to watch her Crimson Tide play to celebrate her 40th birthday. Joe has been enjoying attending concerts and sporting events throughout the year. The family also welcomed Bama, their new Bernadoodle to the team.
Hannah says 2022 was a pretty great year! Some key moments of 2022: both of my children were baptized, my family and I were able to take a couple of vacations, I coached an 11-year-old, girl’s, travel volleyball team and also the JV Volleyball coach at Shelbyville Highschool. What capped off the year for me personally, was being employed by coreVISION. I have only been here since October, but it has felt like a lifetime, I cannot wait to see what next year holds for me. I am also looking forward to another fun and adventurous year with my family.
Brittany and Kevin continue to stay busy with their three boys. Cam is in 2nd grade and continued playing baseball, soccer, golf and basketball this year. Jordan and Logan are now in Kindergarten and continued playing soccer and started baseball, which they loved. They were able to enjoy 3 family vacations together: one to Miramar Beach, one to South Haven and one to Orange Beach. They love spending time with their friends, family, mini goldendoodle, Ollie, and cat, Sofie. With Jordan and Logan starting Kindergarten, Brittany now works at coreVISION four days a week and is really enjoying it!
We hope your families have had an amazing 2022, and we look forward to connecting with you all in 2023. Happy Holidays. We wish you all a safe and cheerful 2023.
coreVISION Financial Group