Happy Holidays from our coreVISION Family to yours!
Our annual end of year video for our clients | 2024
Our annual end of year video for our clients | 2024
coreVISION Financial Group shares what they are thankful for. #weretirepeople #coreVISIONcrew
Jason Pike joins Brett Rice on the podcast to discuss how the recent Federal Reserve interest rate cuts impact your personal finances. #coreVISIONcrew #WeRetirePeople
Brent Thoman joins Brett Rice to discuss Capital Gains realized, unrealized long term, short term and tax implications on them. #coreVISIONCrew #weretirepeople
Andrea joins the podcast to discuss a new option with your 529 accounts, rolling them into a Roth IRA. #coreVISIONcrew #WeRetirePeople
Where should you start when building a budget and what resources are needed? #coreVISIONCrew #WeRetirePeople