Client Letter 2024
Dear Valued Clients,
As we approach the end of 2024, we want to take a moment to reflect on the year we’ve experienced together. The market presented us with both challenges and opportunities this year. Ongoing geopolitical concerns created uncertainty, impacting investor sentiment and leading to market fluctuations. But overall portfolios continued to benefit from the corporate earnings strength as well as the stabilization of inflation and lower interest rates that were poised to follow. As we turn our outlook to 2025, many industry analysts maintain a positive long-term outlook, emphasizing the underlying strength of the economy and the potential for growth in emerging technologies and industries.
Below are our annual family updates that the team is excited to share with you every year.
Mary and Beau were blessed to take a trip of a lifetime for their 10-year wedding anniversary to Greece. They enjoyed the journey that kept them busy while getting plenty of R&R too. Michaela (age 7) started first grade and has been busy with swim, piano and gymnastics. Capri (age 3) has moved into the preschool classroom at her Montessori School and keeps us laughing with her silly personality.
2024 has been very busy for the Lee crew. Beckam graduated from elementary school and is now at SMS. He loves all things basketball. Brody decided to play football this year as a middle linebacker and has truly found something that he loves. He also plays golf in the spring. Andrea started coaching high school cheerleading and has really enjoyed the “girl time” since she lives in a house full of boys. Jason started a new job in June and really seems to enjoy his new role.
The Claxtons have once again had a busy year! Emma was a lifeguard over the summer at the Meridian Park Aquatic Center again, and she continues to Cheer on the Varsity squad and run track for the Golden Bears, all while being in the top 10 of her class academically. She is also being inducted into the National Honor Society in a few short weeks. Sophie played tennis for the Shelbyville Middle School team and fell in love with the sport. She also continues her horseback riding lesson weekly and has formed a close bond with her lesson horse, Mr. Boone. She completed her first year at the Middle School on the all A and B Honor Roll! Ryan was promoted to CEO of Major Hospital this year and has been busy adjusting to his new role! Jennie has taken on the role of an Assistant Coach for Shelbyville High School Cheer and has loved every minute of being back in the coaching role!
2024 brought new experiences for the Thomans. Our youngest, Kendall is now in Middle School and playing volleyball and basketball with softball in the spring. Camden played his first year of AAU basketball winning the AAU National Championship in Orlando Florida with his new team. Our oldest, Cooper, has gotten his permit to drive and should receive his license at the beginning of next year. This is an exciting time because now he will get to do more of the running for all practices and school drop offs. Cooper was also Confirmed through St. Joe this year, which was a big milestone. My wife was able to go to Greece with a group of people this year and loved the experience of Athens, Santorini, and Mykonos. Even though there are bumps in the road each year, we have been very blessed.
The Rice/Tackett family has been very busy in 2024. Brett and Tiffany wed in December of this year and are building a new home. Keaton continues to learn how much fun adulting is, and Marlee is a Junior at IU and continues to do well and rapidly approaches finishing her college career. Caden is working for the Shelby County Sherriff department and plans to pursue a career in law enforcement. Hudson earned his Varsity Letter in Soccer his freshman year. Grant and his teammates won the baseball world series in PCB this summer, and Cael continues dancing, performing in the drama club and joined the band.
Like any year, 2024 had its ups and downs but, all in all, has been good to the Lefflers. Jake, Shawn, and Bailey are thriving, growing in their careers, and pursuing their hobbies. Tim and I have enjoyed two amazing trips this year—one to New York City and another to Savannah, GA. We are happiest, though, spending time with the grand babies, Parker and Evelyn. They are growing too fast and developing comical little personalities. We can’t wait to see what joys 2025 brings.
The Pike girls have been very busy with school and cheer this year as Ella started middle school and Claire is now in third grade! We all have enjoyed what the outdoors have to offer, and look forward to ringing in 2025!
2024 has been a busy year for Joe and Ashley as their three children, Jackson, Camden and Marlee have continued to pursue their interest in swimming, wrestling, & dance. Ashley is in the midst of her 20th year of teaching kindergarten at Coulston Elementary and loves her role as a “dance mom”. Joe and Ashley had a wonderful time on their yearly trip to Tuscaloosa, AL as they got to experience their first Iron Bowl and watch Alabama play Auburn. The whole family enjoyed attending multiple concerts and sporting events throughout the year and are looking forward to an amazing 2025!
2024 has been a year of excitement and milestones for the Rieser family! We enjoyed a couple of vacations with family and friends, exploring, relaxing, and enjoying each other’s company. Stella got involved in soccer, volleyball, and basketball. Jax started preschool and he is loving it! Back at home, we’ve had our hands full with everything from home projects to movie nights. Amidst it all, we’ve managed to keep up with the delightful chaos of everyday life. As we look to the coming years, we’re excited for new journeys, more family time, and whatever surprises life has in store!
Brittany and her family had one of their busiest years yet adding travel baseball to their routine. Jordan and Logan are in 2nd grade, and Cam is in 4th grade at Hendricks. This year, all 3 boys played travel baseball for the Shelby County Cubs as well as Babe Ruth baseball. Jordan and Logan played soccer in both the spring and fall, while Cam only played spring. Cam will be playing for a new travel baseball team in 2025 out of Greenfield, and he is very excited for that. He also gets to play elementary basketball and run track this year, which he is also looking forward to! Shelby Shock basketball just started giving us a change from the baseball fields. This is Jordan and Logan’s first year playing. Kevin was promoted at McDonald’s in the fall with a new territory of the West Coast. While they stayed busy with sports, the Zimnys still fit in a few vacations with family and friends. Amidst the chaos of everyday life and bumps in the road, they are extremely blessed to spend so much time together as a family and are looking forward to a healthy and happy 2025.
Grant and his family continue to settle into their new home and schools in Batesville. On the side, he has enjoyed working more on the family farm with his daughters as his father is winding towards retirement.
We wish you the best holiday season and feel ever grateful for your continued trust and partnership.
coreVISION Financial Group