Funeral Pre-Planning with Brett Rice and Steve Herendeen
Join us while we talk about the basics of funeral pre-planning. #coreVisionFG
Join us while we talk about the basics of funeral pre-planning. #coreVisionFG
Brent talks about current interest rates and how they impact payments and interest on cash savings. #WeRetirePeople #coreVISIONFG
Brett Rice and Andrea Lee discuss the topic of Financial Literacy and what that means. #WeRetirePeople #CVFG #coreVISIONFG
Beau Browning discusses the current State of the Firm with Brett Rice. Listen about all the exciting changes going on within coreVISION Financial Group. #WeRetirePeople #CVFG
Jason Pike, Partner, at coreVISION discusses fees with Brett Rice. #coreVISIONFG
Andrea Lee and Brett Rice discuss the gender gap in investing and retirement savings. #coreVISIONFG #RetirementSavings #GenderGap