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Bridging the Gap

Between industry news and personal experience.

Understanding Realized and Unrealized Capital Gains Under Current Tax Law Thumbnail

Understanding Realized and Unrealized Capital Gains Under Current Tax Law

When it comes to investing, understanding the distinction between realized and unrealized capital gains is crucial for effective financial planning and tax management. Both types of gains reflect the increase in the value of your investments, but they are treated differently under current tax laws. Here’s a breakdown of what they mean and how they impact your taxes.

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Maximizing the Impact of Your RMD: A Guide to Charitable Giving Thumbnail

Maximizing the Impact of Your RMD: A Guide to Charitable Giving

As we journey through life, retirement is often a highly anticipated milestone. It's a time to relax, explore new hobbies, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But it's also a time when you may face Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your retirement accounts. While these distributions are mandatory, they can also be an opportunity for generous and impactful charitable giving.

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Emotions In Investing Thumbnail

Emotions In Investing

When it comes to investing, there are a number of things that can hurt our portfolio, pandemics, wars, recessions, bubbles bursting, and natural disasters, just to name a few. And as scary as those things are, the factor that can most adversely impact our portfolios is us. That’s why taking the emotion out of investing is so critical to being a successful investor.

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